Who Are I And What?

*Timidly taps the mic*

Greetings humans! Are you reading this? Why? You must have come here to see if I’d ramble nonsensically about illustration or design. You are in luck!

Let the record state that this is my first blog post ever! The pressure! I’m new to publishing my written word outside of little blips on social media so be prepared to be blown away by waves of grammatical errors and lively, if not at times vulgar, inner monologues.

First off, I’m an illustration artist and graphic designer! You already know that, what next.. I’m also a mom of two perfect and very well behaved children that never give me a moment of trouble. I’m absolutely NOT being coerced to write that nor are they threateningly staring at me whilst bouncing a baseball bat in their tiny little hands… I’m also married to a pretty wonderful person that in spite of all his education, brilliance and intellect still can’t figure out how to work a basic printer. File ~> Print, my dude, Double Sided Y/N. It’s so simple my three year old has literally done it on accident before. This guy actually flies airplanes lol, like what? You can lift a metal tube magically into the air and carry it thousands of miles ACROSS OCEANS in inclement weather but enter arch nemesis and inanimate object, Officejet Pro, and Houston, we got ourselves a fuckin problem, boyz.

I digress, I love seeing and consuming and creating art and I feel like I’ve been on this path my whole life. Even when I would tell my Asian mom hopeful tales about considering a profession in law lol. I made up for it by being really really good at arguing though, so there’s that. Just ask my sweet husband. I studied Illustration and design at uni (I like saying it, let me live) and everything about it from working with various mediums to production processes and y’all, I just can’t get enough. I take so much joy in what I do and sharing it with others! And if I’ve learned anything at all from livin’ it’s that knowing how to work a printer, winning debates and doing what you love are *EsSeNtIaL* to a fulfilled life. Also motherhood. Most of the time. No, def all of the time.

I think that’s all I’m going to say for now. I’d like to write more but I want to keep an air of mystery about me and also my angelic 5 month old just shit herself and we’ve been prone to blowouts as of late, so until next time my devoted readers, all 3 of you!


A ‘How To’ Guide To Working Together