UHEI - "Fish Tank"
The beloved “Fish Tank” outside of the main gate of MCAS Iwakuni is a staple for all who frequent there. The owners hailing all who enter with a boisterous “Konichiwaaaa!” and cuisine that balances on the edge of comfort food and other-worldly! Custom prints will only be sold for a limited time!
Limited Availability
12”x 16”
Premium Enhanched Matte Poster Paper
The beloved “Fish Tank” outside of the main gate of MCAS Iwakuni is a staple for all who frequent there. The owners hailing all who enter with a boisterous “Konichiwaaaa!” and cuisine that balances on the edge of comfort food and other-worldly! Custom prints will only be sold for a limited time!
Limited Availability
12”x 16”
Premium Enhanched Matte Poster Paper
The beloved “Fish Tank” outside of the main gate of MCAS Iwakuni is a staple for all who frequent there. The owners hailing all who enter with a boisterous “Konichiwaaaa!” and cuisine that balances on the edge of comfort food and other-worldly! Custom prints will only be sold for a limited time!
Limited Availability
12”x 16”
Premium Enhanched Matte Poster Paper